

The evolution of global logistics

eCloud isologo


We trust what we see: live traceability in logistics for Eternity.

Eternity is a logistics company with more than 30 years of experience providing sea, air and land transport services, they are leaders in the maritime trade route connecting Mexico with China. Eternity connects businesses with people around the world, supported by the most advanced technology.






  • B2b & enterprise software

  • Mobility


  • UX/UI Design
  • Consumer & Enterprise Software
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Monitoring & Optimization
  • Continuous Integration
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The Challenge

Eternity had a clear goal: to create a digital channel where their customers could track the status of their shipments in real time and have more control over their management.

They needed a cloud-based system that would provide full traceability, record and retrieve information in an agile and permanent way. It was also important to digitize the records so that the data could be easily searched, updated and consolidated.

The Challenge
The Challenge

Detailed Visual Elements

We studied how users interact on the platform and evolved the interface design to improve their experience. We created a layout system with typographic sizes and contrasts that comply with WCAG standards. This ensures that our platform is inclusive and easy to use for everyone.

Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements
Detailed Visual Elements

Greentech for logistic

Measures for being aware of the impact as a B Corp, ecloud has a broader vision for this type of solution. We strive to redefine digital sustainability for our clients and help them understand how their businesses impact the environment. To achieve this, we have been continuously improving their system, making it 1% better every day. In 2022, we identified an unmet need in the logistics industry and added an extra element: a carbon footprint meter. This meter allows each cargo to measure, recognize, and compensate for its carbon footprint. At ecloud, we take pride in making ELIS synonymous with the logistics of the future: green, efficient, and responsible.

ELIS is the ultimate tool, catering to both operators and customers. It provides a user-friendly, intuitive, and secure interface that presents all the relevant information about Eternity's operations. With ELIS, control is now at everyone's fingertips.

The solution

Eternity's challenge was answered by ELIS– an innovative cloud-based tracking system that revolutionizes automation in logistics. ELIS offers comprehensive visibility and real-time geolocation tracking for shipments via sea, air, or land, enabled by GPS integration. This system can accurately predict the status and estimated arrival times of each shipment, empowering customers with enhanced control over their logistic operations.

Furthermore, Eternity's customers have access to real-time status, documentation, and updates on their shipments from any internet-enabled device. In 2019, ELIS set a precedent for the logistics industry.

The solution
The solution
The solution
The solution
The solution
The solution
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